Monday 7 March 2011

Representation homework

The ways in which the clip from skins represents gender in the following ways: Camera shots - they have used a variety of different shots from medium close up, close up, profile shot, one of the shots are through a gun lens which could suggest that this character can be seen as a troublesome person which we do not pick up on at the beginning. All of these are mostly of maleswhich could suggest that this gender are the more dominant ones throughout the clip. By having the range of shots it keeps the story interesting to the viewers who can pick up on the story line that this clip is to do with the human life. Editing - the editing is done so that the story flows and that the audience can keep up and understand what is going on. They have added clips that are of an old period which we can see are different repesentations of how earth started out. We can also see this be uaae the clips look old as they do not have any colour to it. By editing these types of clips into the overall clip we are able to put an image to what the character seems to be saying at the start. The shots are all edited together smoothly with not sharpe cuts as that is not what this clip is about, by doing this we get to watch carefully to pick up on what it is going to be about. This represents gender as again it is only showing an older teenager of a male sex which shows that this spefic episode will be following men more then it would women. Sound - the main sound that we notice is the speech that the male character is saying throughout the different clips.this isn't the only dialogue we hear, we also we other males talking as well as what appreAs to be the mother of the main character and a teacher. This are not given much to say which could show that this episode is bringing across that main are the main dominant sex. We do however hear the teacher talking with some authority which is seen mainly to be done by men. Also just by having a woman teacher they are showing that not only men have good jobs. Other sounds include background music throughout the monologue and children at the bust stop and in the class room talking and being loud. Mise-en-scene - at first we see that the main character is sitting in e bed room with what appears to be someone sleeping in the bed infront of him. He is only wearing a tablet suggesting thT he may have just worup. It then cuts into a new setting of a kitchen were see we three more characters that make up a family, the dad is in a business suite which could mean he has the better job of the two parents and the main character is bow in a school uniform.

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