Thursday 24 March 2011

Notes on 'Life on Mars'.

Throughout last weeks Thursday lesson, as a class we looked at a short 4-5 minute clip on the 'Life on Mars' around about 3 times so that we were able to make notes on the different things that we noticed such as: camera shots, location, costume, sounds and other media elements, this was to prepare us for the TV drama part of our Examination. 
Camera shots:

  • 360 degree track shot - this was used to set the place in where the main character was located, which seems to be a deserted factory site where window were smashed, rubbish was everywhere. The director could have chosen to do this shot to show that the character in this scene had a sense of confusion and disorientated as we are able to see that it is in slow motion.
  • Another shot that we see is different cutting shots - this are used to get closer and closer to the main characters face, were we establish clearly who he is as well as seeing that facial expressions that are present on his face. 
  • Also during the above shots they use an extreme close up - again we see the character expression but is gives the audience some thought to what is going on with him and why is this happening.
  • Flash  cut - While the camera was moving closer, they used some sort of quick cut shot to look as though he may be going in and out of a deep sleep. Could have been used to create a flash back which would be appropriate.
  • Over the shoulder - this shot was used further in to the clip we viewed where the main character had now seem other people where he was engaging in a conversation with them. This shows the audience who each character is talking to and we can follow what is going on.
  • Profile shot - This too was used to show that two characters we talking, we were able to get a better shot of the action that was taking place and felt more involved as we were right up close to what was going on. 
  • Horizontal Tilt - Used at the start to show that character lay down on the floor, it established who he was and where. It created some confusion again as we were wondering why the man was laying on the floor. 
  • Wide shot/ High angle - We got to see the location of where the man had ended up (deserted factory/warehouse). It was also is used in the first shot that we see from the whole clip which is a motorway, again it sets the scene. However they we notice that they are linked together as we get a viewing of a billboard which shows the motorway taking up construction in this empty area yet we had already seen it built as the first shot.

  • The first sound that we hear is sound of the busy cars rushing along the motorway
  • Ambulance which could suggest that there has been an accident that has taken place
  • Dialogue is a diegetic sound as not just the audience but the characters can also hear the sound too. Shows conversations are occurring. We also get to know that the time period has changed as it gets mention by another character in a different scene. We also pick up on the characters accent which sets the scene to where this location is situated (Manchester)
  • Phone ringing in the police station, so give the characters some sort of props to use to make it look more like a police atmosphere.
There are not a lot of diegetic sounds that are used, they could have chosen to do this because they may have felt that non-digetic sounds help to set the atmosphere of what is going on.


  • Through the flash cut they have a sound that goes along with it which sounds as if it is a hospital machine saving life
  • When the character is going in and out of his deep sleep, he does go in to what seems a flash back of  a little child speaking (Voice off scree). This is could be seen as a diegetic sound however as no other people can hear this sound it is classed as non diegetic.
  • They also used the sound of a hospital heart monitor but we never get to see the actual hospital location itself.
One of the main sounds that we notice that plays while the change in time is taking place, we hear a background song which has some relevance to the whole programme itself as the title is called 'Life on Mars' which is also that songs name. This is non diegetic again as only we as viewers can hear it, but when the change in time has finished they have chosen to make the song from non-digetic to diegetic so now the main character is able to hear it too. If you listen to the lyrics of the song we hear a line which mentions a police which we establish he is through the dialogue which was spoken. This could have been done to show the character is disorientated.

Mise - En - Scene

  • We see that the characters costume has changed from modern time to the past time. Showing that there has been a change in the period of which he is now in. (suite to leather coat and shirt)
  • The cars change in the different shots before and after the period changes. (Jeep to and old fashioned car)
  • Props like mobile are know longer exist however they did in the time where the motorway was already built
  • During the day time so that we use the natural light to view the surroundings as well as the character himself. In the police station they also used the day time however as it is inside it is much more duller, maybe to show the personalities of the people who work in that office.
  • Located in Manchester

1 comment:

  1. www excellent level of detail in your note taking and a good start to the process of preparing for the exam.

    ebi try to make greater clearer connections between denotation and connotations of technical codes and the focus for representations which in this case was period.

    To develop this further try writing a summative paragraph linking the technical codes with the chosen reps.
