Monday 24 January 2011

Media Tv drama notes

Tv dramas - Dramatisation of real life
                     On going (series, episodes = soap)
                     Have different genres
Media forms and lanuages
FORM = Shape or Structure of something.
                It is linked to the narrative.
                All stories have the same basic structure

STYLE = The specific look of the media text. Particularly TV dramas which often display individual styles by the certain choice of the codes.

GENRE = French for 'sort' and 'kind' that is used in grouping programs which may have similar type of structures. For example police drama, crime, criminals etc

CONVENTIONS = Characteristics of a part of genre = the particular elements which make it recognisable. It can be connected with form, language, theme or visual elements. An example would be that they all share multiple narratives.

SEMIOTICS = Denotation - Literal (signifiers) and Conotation - Subject to debate + varied (Signified) is included in this element.
                         Signs & Symbols.

AURAL LANGUAGE = All the elements of a sound mix but can invlove such things as verbal languge of a text. Incidents, music, atmosphere tracks, foley, spot effects, voice offer and narratives. Sound is classified depending on if it could be heard by the participent in the text/
                                       Digetic and Non-Digetic

VISUAL LANGUAGE = Including tech areas - Camera, Lighting, Mise en scene + there is an obvious over lap with non - verbal language and editing. Also included semiotics.

WRITTEN LANGUAGE = Applicable to print and copy in a specific area . Any media text in which the written word features.

VERBAL LANGUAGE = Highly relevant to TV dramas. Significant part to the structure, often carrying the narrative. Language choices are vital for creating appropriate responses from the audience.

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