Tuesday 4 January 2011

Analysis of two British Television Programs

This is a TV program that is very rectent as it has only just finished its second series. It is very popular which is aimed at the audience of teenagers as the characters themselves are teenagers. It is also popular as each character has different personalities:
Simon- Invisibility (Geeky)
Nathan - Immortal (Comedian/ Popular)
Kelly - Hear peoples thoughts (Chav)
Curtis - Go back in time (Sporty)
Alisha - Turns men on (Girly)
It is set in a mostly in a communitiy centre as the group are doing community service due to doing some bad things, but along the way they end up saving peoples lives, meaning in other words they are heors. 
Throughout the episode the group sell their powers as they think it wil help them to get on with a normal life, in return they get money that they can spend s they wish. There is a man who then goes and buys any of the powers he wants, after he has done this he calls himself Jesus. In the program one of the groups friends gets killed due to Jesus being greedy so the group go to get their powers back, while doing this they kill the Jesus person along the way and use the money he had to get either old or new powers of their choice. It goes on fr just under an hour as it needs to be able to get a whole story across. If it was to short people wouldnt understand what is going on and may stop watching it.
It is clear to us that the Protagonist of the program are the group (main characters) and the Antagonist is Jesus as he minipulates the powers that he gets to make everyone like him. We also notice that many dentotaions and conotations are used throughtut, an example of this is would be when they go to sell their powers in this confind office. Once they have finished getting rid of their powers a bright light apprears, This could just hve been done to show the changing of places but in furthur detail is could seem to be that they are going up to heaven.
Different lighting techniques are used to make the scene bright or darker, but it helps in order to set the atmosphere for the people who are viewing it. They also get used very ell to show the facial expressions at different stages of the program, as well as creating the effect of dramatic, sad etcc (showing emotions of the scene).
Music is also used as either dramatic, happy/ heoric. Again it is done to set the atmosphere but not only that, it helps show the viewers that they may look like ordianry people but with their powers they help to save the country. This is shown in the music by playing theme liked music which fits what is going on in the scene.
Sounds that are used are not a major part of the episode, they really just apprear to be there to make the rogram more interesting and to grabs the watchers attention, As of this you can argue that they are digetic or non-digetic. for example the mobile phone would ring but it is not important to what the people are focusing on. Therefore it is like a background noise to fill in gaps.

This TV program has been on our screens for a very long period of time while also changing, yet it still keeps people very entertained which is a reason why it is very popular to the public viewing. It is aimed at people of any age, as long as they are able to follow the storyline of what is going on throughtout the episodes of the week. Their are a number of cast for this type of program as it is meant to be shown as things that happen in everyday life, so they need to show that it is just an ordinary day of life on a freindly neighbourhood.
It is set in the East End (Walford) of a market square with a community pub and people living all around it. Each scene is in a different part of the square which keeps it interesting as it isnt always the same things happening.
Through the episode, One of the characters (Carol) decides to give in to her self and follow her heart by seeing her departed Son (Billy's) bestfriend Connor. This is because Connor is not very liked within the family as he was part of a shooting a while ago with one of Carol's brother. Therefore she is too uptight to lets things ruin the family relationship, so she keeps her toy boy quite and sneaks around while having some fun.
The other part to the stroy is that both of the pregnant character's, Kat and Ronnie finally get to meet their babys that they have been waiting for. They both have boys but give birth in too completely different ways. Kat gives birth to her baby boy Tommy in the barrrel store of their pub The Queen Vic, While Roonie gives birth ot her son James the normal way, in a hospital.
We are unclear of who is the Protagonist and the Antagonist in this episode as there is not a character who is being slightly evile. Some people may like to think that Carol is the Antagonist as she is deciving her family to go out with someone who is old enough to be her son. Yet people will have their own opinions on this.
The lighing for this program is done in two ways:
In a studio where they can use their own lights to fit the scene which is mostly to do with inside of a builing that could be day time or night time. If it is day time the crew use really big lights to go all round the set so that it gives the wastchers the sense of being during the day. If it is night time they turn off the lights and use small home lights which get placed within the set to make it a night time feeling. It also shows the characters emotions and to some extent their characteristics.
Music that is used is kept to a very miminal as it is only really used for background filling, mostly used within the cafe and the pub to give a sense of  communal, social place to be.
Sounds that are used are digetic as they have something to do with the scene, For example when the punters in the pub are speaking within a scene. This is done again to show the communal/ social place where people can go to have fun and relax while talking to people of the neighbourhood. There arent really any non-digetic sounds as they have made sure that all the sounds they use are appropriate and are only there if they are needed to be.

1 comment:

  1. www well done, exemplary work, very detailed and comprehensive. It shows great attention to detail and focus on the task. You have explored both macro and micro elements of analysis. I particularly like the way you have explored sound and how you have begun to comment on how lighting is achieved.

    ebi the next step is to use what you learnt today about Media languages to enhance your analysis.
