Wednesday 13 October 2010

Thursday 7th lesson analysis

In the lesson we had to set up all the equipment from the lights, room layout and camera positioning. We were then split into two groups of 4 and 5 in which we had to put together a scene of a range of shots where someone walks through a door and goes to sit directly face-to-face with another character and exchanging a few lines of speech.
My group had decided on doing 8 shots that was given a mysterious atmosphere, the character who walked in through the door was the detective and the character who was already sitting down was the criminal. To get these shots more realistic we had to draw up a storyboard and write down the shots/angles, lighting and speech.
Once this was done, we needed to lay out the room to how we wanted it. However we did have a problem as we wanted the whole room to be dark in order to set the mysterious vibe but we were unable to do this so we had to find a way to work with this in our scene.
We also had to change some of the shots we used due to this set back so that we could still keep to this effect but it took much more time so we didn't meet our time target meaning we couldnt edit any of. While we were filiming this, we had the other group film us so that we could see what we were doing and for them to get some idea on how to do their scene.

1 comment:

  1. www good reflection especially on the adaptations you had to make within the circumstances of the exercise.

    ebi more focus on the specifics of the shots you chose, why you chose them and the effect of using those specific shots.
