Wednesday 6 October 2010

City of God.

This is a very stange film, at the begininning we get a celebration vibe and this is becuase we hear background music which is very loud and many people dancing around the place. Throughout the clip there are many diegetic sounds that are heard from the more good happy vibe of music, loads of people having conversations to more serious sounds of heart beating, guns and shouting. Hearing these sounds give the audience a sense of a market place that is very dangerous due to the guns.
In the clip, the lighting that is used from dark which is shaded areas and bright which is hot areas. The dark lighting could have been used to make the characters more clear to see so that we are able to pick up their facial expressions, or it could have been done in order to show th gang's dangerous side showing that they are evil and bad. The bright lighting shows that it is hot where the film is being filmed which tell the audience that they are in an abroad country. We also pick up this piece of information as the language the characters are speaking is not recognisable.
The shots that are used are long shot to show some of the characters to get an idea of what they are wearing, close up to show facial expressions, point of view (pov) to show the chicken running away. They also cut from one shot to another quite fast, this creates a suspence and interesting vibe.
There are a range of characters that are shown in the clip, it is mostly dominated by boys which shows that this type of film is targeted at boys/men more then women. We notice that everyone is wearing scruffy clothes, this could mean that the country they are filiming in is a poor country. By showing that they are poor gets us thinking that the way they make their money is through the market which is why they are selling cooked chicken and not just as a celebration.
The protagonist character in this short film is immediatly picked out to be the gang leader who seems to be holding guns and knives, this is the danger aspect of the film showingf that there is alot of crime that goes on. The antagonist of the film would be the school boy who gets caught between the two groups people whom are the gang and the police. We recognise this as we see that he is a innocent person who was in th wrong place at the wrong time.

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