Tuesday 5 October 2010

Opening Script.

A girl (Amy) is in a happy mood and cannot wait to get to her lesson to tell her best friend (Rachel) about the time that she has had over the weekend. We can hear the classroom atmosphere by all the children having there own conversations waiting for the teacher to enter.

Amy: (walks through the door, shown by a medium shot to show her face expressions and her mood - happy and smiling)

Amy: (starts walking towards her desk while getting ready to sit down in her chair shown by a long shot - still happy)

Rachel: (already sitting in her chair looking up at Amy following her across the room from shown from her Point of View)

Amy: (sits down in her chair next to her best friend and slowly turns towards Rachel using the 180 degree rule - her face expressions smiling but more calm now as she is in lesson)

(teacher enters the room, everyone goes quiet)

Rachel: What's up, Why are you so happy? (whispering because the teacher has started the lesson, over the shoulder shot so we can see Amy)

Amy: I'll explain to you later. (whispering too, close up) 

(end of the conversation)

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