Friday 10 September 2010

Understanding of Media.

      Media, is given as the main title of many different ways of communication. This includes such things as: Television, Radio, Film, Newpaper, Magazines and Letters. These all belong under two different platforms Print Media and Audio-Visual Media. There is also a thrid platform known as E-Meida which consits of things that you are able to view on the internet.
      Throughout Media we gather so much information and try to absorb the range of different questions that we wish to be answered from what we visualise. By studying 'The Media' we have use our common sence to help us create an answer.
      Many people think that The Media is very simple but if we think about it long enough we are able to realise that it is more complicated then meets the eye and so by taking media i will now be able to answer the questions that i have wanted answers to and get a good knowledge on the whole topic which is used in very day life.
Amanda Cornhill.

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