Monday 20 September 2010

Media Languages Homework

      The T.V British Darma that I have based this homework on is Hollyoaks which was views on Friday 17th September. Throughout the programme it has used many different things that all belong to 'Media Languages'.
      MISE-EN_SCENE: In just the first half of the prgramme it shows a range of characters from men and woman all of different ages wearing mostly casual clothes but one charcater in particular is in a business suit. They are all based in the same sort of areas like hospitals, communal living room, toilets, bedrooms, a club and a pub that has a pond located outside it. The colours of the shots vary from dark to light which represents the different places that this has been shot in. All of this suggests that the town is full of many people meaning it is very public based which is set in everyday life that follows everyday situations.
      SIZE/SHOT ANGLES: Here they have used many shots that include medium long shots, wide shots to not so wide shots, group shots, over the shoulder shots, side shots, close ups. They have also placed with the focusing of the shots as they have points where they focused on the charactes which suggests that this was done so we actually stay watching the characters  and really listen to what they are saying. As well as focusing on the background, which could suggest that this was done in order for us NOT to focus on the characters meaning it could of been something of less importance. They also use this rechnique for fading in and out of two completely different scenes which makes it more interesting to watch as it isnt just the same thing happening over every single different scene that is within the programme. Also they have used shot angles of looking down and up to show what people are looking at although it is not in their point of view so it is like we are looking over their shoulders.  
      SOUND: At first they use background music which makes it a but more interesting to view instead of it being very boring. In the first half we get a few sounds that appear in the background such as sirens which show that it is very much the same as everyday life, music (in the club) which we would except to hear, wind blowing and echoing nosies, machines beeping in the hospital with sad music and cars . All of these sounds are diegetic meaning they all suit what we are watching in the programme.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Amanda

    www lots of detail in your analysis, focus on sound, mise en scene and camera. Some application of appropriate terminology

    ebi look to narrow your focus at some point on a specific scene and sequence of shots, this will allow you to work in greater detail and analyse the shots chosen and possible interpretations of such shots. It also allows you to do the same with mise en scene and sound. Avoid remarks about something being 'boring' - it doesn't show in depth thinking about the text.
