Tuesday 21 September 2010

Six Shot Scene

Throughout the past week, my group and I have been putting together a short six shot scene. After shooting our different shots we had to edit them in order to create the final production which is shown above.
What did you find difficult in the planning?
Well I found it difficult to create what shots we would be doing and how we were going to do it. This is because we were given a random title that we then had to use in order to create a story with only six shots.
What was the most successful part of your filming and why?
I think the most successful part of the filming was that we did get the shots we wanted and done it to a good standard for our first time of doing this. This is because you can see in our short film that it does look good even though we have never done this before.
What was the effect of the restriction of not having any dialogue to tell the story?
This made it very hard as our story is not that clear due to it only being six shots. at first in our planning we agreed within the group to have little narrations on every other shot. when we were told that this would not be allowed we then had to think of how we were going to use out shot sizes/angles to do this instead.
What did you learn from editing the film?
What i learnt fro the editing is that we are able to cut out some of the material we had shot in order to make the scene flow instead of having jumps which could possibly confuse the audience. Also with the editing we realised that we could crop the shot to get rid of any thing that we didn't want to have in it.
What will you do differently next time?
Next time i think i will plan a bit more so that we are clear on what we will be doing for the scene as well as editing it with colours and play around with it to make it more interesting for people to watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent detailed reflections on the task. Use what you have learnt from this task to develop your skills in the next task and to begin to think about how you will approach the main coursework task.
