Thursday 30 September 2010

Today the class and i all worked at a group together, this was so that we could learn more about lighting such as lighting people within a shot and how we use the light to create an atmosphere for the scene.
We used tripods which were used to hold the camera in position so that we could make the shot more effective and interesting to look at. To create a good shot we had to move the camera around in order to get a range of different shots while playing with the lights.
The main rule that we had to stick to was the 180 degree rule meaning that they crew were only allowed to shoot from one side of the characters so that it did not make it too confusing for the people watching it. 
We also played around with the focusing of shots again to make it more interesting and to make more then just one vibe.  Also by focusing it made the shots more clear so that the actors were more visible and clear to see creating different moods of intimidation, powerful and natural,
This was shown by two characters sitting at an ordinary table which made the shot interesting.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Analysis of Kidulthood

Kidulthood is a film produced in 2006 that is aimed for the target audience of teenagers. I done my analysis on a clip of the opening scene of the film which is shown below. When it first appear its quite dark lighting which could suggest that the weather is prehaps cold, wet and a dull day which is also represented with characters wearing coats as part of their costumes.
It also shows straight away people, more likely to be boys but we are unsure due to the camera shooting at their feet instead of face are playing football. we see that the ground is quite muddy which again suggests that there has been bad weather.
From this we seem to gather a sense of a school playground as we can hear the sound of people talking and messing around, we do not get an imidiate sense of a school as it could be a park instead although when we look closely at the boys who are playing football we notice they are wearing black school troussers which automatically puts in image of school into our heads.
The camera then goes on to a range of shots from medium shots to long shot, close ups and even looking down at and angle to view one of the characters faces. these range of shots all create a good image that keeps the watchers interested, as well as focusing in on the characters smudging the background to make us really watch them and what actions they do. not only are these simple camera shots used but also camera shots through objects which could mean hiding or like they are being spyed on from a distance, as well as the 180 degree rule where it shows two people talking from a side on view and they have used a repeating shot which shows a characer being hit three times this is different but interesting keeping the audience interested.  
When we see the characters, we notice that they are in a cage sort of thing that is located in what seems apparent in a school. this could suggest to the watchers that the people within the school are closed up and work together as a community however it could also suggested that they are confind and kept closely as a whole school.
Furthermore, the costumes not also show coats and a uniform but hoodies which could mean a gang feeling to the film. It isnt just about what clothes they are wearing but what they have as accessories. in on the the shots we she that a girl has aload of jewllery on her which include big hoods, big gold rings and chains. This gives the watchers the imidate sterotype of 'chav' which is also shown in the way they talk, lots of slang speech is used which could mean that they are poorly educated or may even be putting up an alter ego as part of their gang  background showing violence  which also shows this too.
When we watch it we can hear many sounds throughout the scene from machinery showing that they are hard working, people talking shows that it is a lively place to be, footall active and energetic and background music. These are all diegetic sounds as they are relevant to the actual scene as it help to show what the film is about more.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Six Shot Scene

Throughout the past week, my group and I have been putting together a short six shot scene. After shooting our different shots we had to edit them in order to create the final production which is shown above.
What did you find difficult in the planning?
Well I found it difficult to create what shots we would be doing and how we were going to do it. This is because we were given a random title that we then had to use in order to create a story with only six shots.
What was the most successful part of your filming and why?
I think the most successful part of the filming was that we did get the shots we wanted and done it to a good standard for our first time of doing this. This is because you can see in our short film that it does look good even though we have never done this before.
What was the effect of the restriction of not having any dialogue to tell the story?
This made it very hard as our story is not that clear due to it only being six shots. at first in our planning we agreed within the group to have little narrations on every other shot. when we were told that this would not be allowed we then had to think of how we were going to use out shot sizes/angles to do this instead.
What did you learn from editing the film?
What i learnt fro the editing is that we are able to cut out some of the material we had shot in order to make the scene flow instead of having jumps which could possibly confuse the audience. Also with the editing we realised that we could crop the shot to get rid of any thing that we didn't want to have in it.
What will you do differently next time?
Next time i think i will plan a bit more so that we are clear on what we will be doing for the scene as well as editing it with colours and play around with it to make it more interesting for people to watch it.

Monday 20 September 2010

Media Languages Homework

      The T.V British Darma that I have based this homework on is Hollyoaks which was views on Friday 17th September. Throughout the programme it has used many different things that all belong to 'Media Languages'.
      MISE-EN_SCENE: In just the first half of the prgramme it shows a range of characters from men and woman all of different ages wearing mostly casual clothes but one charcater in particular is in a business suit. They are all based in the same sort of areas like hospitals, communal living room, toilets, bedrooms, a club and a pub that has a pond located outside it. The colours of the shots vary from dark to light which represents the different places that this has been shot in. All of this suggests that the town is full of many people meaning it is very public based which is set in everyday life that follows everyday situations.
      SIZE/SHOT ANGLES: Here they have used many shots that include medium long shots, wide shots to not so wide shots, group shots, over the shoulder shots, side shots, close ups. They have also placed with the focusing of the shots as they have points where they focused on the charactes which suggests that this was done so we actually stay watching the characters  and really listen to what they are saying. As well as focusing on the background, which could suggest that this was done in order for us NOT to focus on the characters meaning it could of been something of less importance. They also use this rechnique for fading in and out of two completely different scenes which makes it more interesting to watch as it isnt just the same thing happening over every single different scene that is within the programme. Also they have used shot angles of looking down and up to show what people are looking at although it is not in their point of view so it is like we are looking over their shoulders.  
      SOUND: At first they use background music which makes it a but more interesting to view instead of it being very boring. In the first half we get a few sounds that appear in the background such as sirens which show that it is very much the same as everyday life, music (in the club) which we would except to hear, wind blowing and echoing nosies, machines beeping in the hospital with sad music and cars . All of these sounds are diegetic meaning they all suit what we are watching in the programme.

Friday 10 September 2010

Understanding of Media.

      Media, is given as the main title of many different ways of communication. This includes such things as: Television, Radio, Film, Newpaper, Magazines and Letters. These all belong under two different platforms Print Media and Audio-Visual Media. There is also a thrid platform known as E-Meida which consits of things that you are able to view on the internet.
      Throughout Media we gather so much information and try to absorb the range of different questions that we wish to be answered from what we visualise. By studying 'The Media' we have use our common sence to help us create an answer.
      Many people think that The Media is very simple but if we think about it long enough we are able to realise that it is more complicated then meets the eye and so by taking media i will now be able to answer the questions that i have wanted answers to and get a good knowledge on the whole topic which is used in very day life.
Amanda Cornhill.