Thursday 5 May 2011

Prime Evil (Thursday 5th)

In this essay i will be talking to you about Camera movement/compostiton, Editing, Sound and Mise - en - scene and the way that each of these have been used to show Representation of gender from watching a clip of Prime Evil a number of times.
Camera movement/composition:
   When we are firstly introduced to the clip, we see a male and a female who seems to be upset about  something and is being comforted by the man who is also in the shot. This was shown in an Over The Shoulder shot where we were able to get a look at both of the characters. This could represent that woman are in need of comfort and support due to being emotional people.
   In another shot, we are positioned at a high angle looking down on one of the characters who appears to be in a whole. This represents gender of the male as being the weaker sex, showing that he is not dominant in this scene which we don't class to be a typical male as being heroic and masculine. We then get to see the woman figure who is placed in the tractor as being the dominant person in this shot as the camera is placed at a low angle medium shot to show her dominance and power at this point where she is fighting off the tiger. This representation of females is not the typical stereotype where woman are the domestic sex doing all the domestic work, but instead fighting off a predictor protecting the male figure who is in the whole.
  Point of view shot was used when the male character, who seems to be some sort of leader of the team was sliding down a zipline. This could have been done in order to show that he is looking down towards the ground to see if he could spot the tiger underneath him. It signifies he may be a bit fearful and worried about what is happening, representing his male figure as scared, whereas we usually associate this sort of behaviour as females. Therefore this is not a typical stereotype.
   Wide shot also being a long shot at the same time sets part of the location to where the team  appear to be carrying out some sort of mission. It shows the female figure in the distance holding a gun, the camera could have been positioned like this to show that the female is good at that type of work showing she has scared the tiger off rather then being a close up shot to show the relief on her face,  this shot is shown after we get a close up of the males face to show his expression of relief after he just got saved by a woman. The representation of this part of the clip is that the female (Abbi) is not seen as a weak sex due to doing masculine job that are normally done by men.  

   180 degree rule use was during a conversation between a woman and a man. This was done to show the continuity of the conversation keeping the story running smoothly and so that the audience wasn't confused with what was going on. This meant that throughout this scene the eye line was always matching showing the viewers that they were always talking to each other and not anyone else. This could represent men and woman to be equal to one another, where neither sex is more dominant, which was not shown in olden times where men were always the dominant sex no matter what.
   Panning was used at the part where the woman was fighting the tiger, this could have been done to keep the audience involved with the action that is taking place at that time. It could have also been done to show part of the characters personality in the sense that she likes to get involved with things that are dangerous and scary. This goes against the stereotype of woman being scared and rely on the men to fight of any danger that occurs as we see for ourselves that she does it all by herself.
   Quick cutting was used at the point where the predator  attacked the two characters who are digging the whole. This signifies that there is danger and fear within the members. Cutting the shots quickly together added to the atmosphere  and builds the tension, always keeping us up close with the fight that is going on with the machine and animal, this is seen as objective to the action as the camera isn't place far away from what is going on. Again as mentioned, the stereotype isn't typical to men being the 'heroic' figure but the woman is as she is saving him from being harmed by the tiger.
   Wipe Cut  is shown when it cuts from the forest area to somewhere a bit more open where we are able to see more of the location. This is done to keep the fast pace moving and building up the tension as the audience wants to know what is going to happen next. Also by doing this sort of cut it shows to the viewers that there has been a jump from once place to another. Jumps cuts have also been used between characters to establish who they are but at the same time keeping the story going, as well as showing the different parts to the location/setting.
   The first sound that we are introduced to is a diegetic sound of dialogue. Just after the conversation between the man and woman, the male of that shot looks over to two other characters as if he is hoping to get some sort of advice, support over the situation that has just happened where he is then told by what seems to be the leader to leave it. This represents that it isn't just woman who look for support and advice due to being emotional people, but men do it too which we do not class to be normal.
   We are introduced to a barn not too far away from the pervious setting, where again a man and woman are talking, but as we can see it is mainly the female that is doing the speaking. This could represent that she has the authority over what is being said and that she appears to have some sort of power over this male figure.
   Non-diegetic sounds are also used in the background music. Most of the background music that is used is relevant to what is going on as it is it alerting the audience that something dangerous is happening, which keeps building up the tension until it reaches its peak where we think that the tiger is going to hurt the male character. It is very deep sort of music again showing the danger that is involved with what the group are doing.
   Another non - diegetic sound that we get to here is the special effects (SFX) of the tiger as it is not actually present for the characters to hear, however some people may disagree that it is a diegetic sound. This isn't played when the actually get to see the tiger, but before it has appeared on the screen meaning that this is a non-visual sound.     
Mise - en- scene:
   There is many different styles of costume that is used in this clip. Where we see three of the characters look very out of place. For example, one of the males in the group is wearing qwerkey coloured type clothing of a hat, jeans, waist coat and a t-shirt. Another character is wearing a suit which could represent he is the head leader and more powerful over the group, which is a typical representation that men were to look good at all time and be the dominant gender.

1 comment:

  1. Good detailed analysis of Primeval.
    WWW - You have referred back to representation of gender though, editing, sound and shot types.
    EBI - Develop mise-en-scene further.
