Thursday 9 December 2010

Risk Assessment

The biggest risk to consider in the outdoor location is that it is highly likely to snow before or even during filming. This creates two problems,
  • Massive drop in temperature and the risk of more slippery surfaces. To avoid discomfort or injury, all cast and crew should dress themselves appropriately for extremely cold weather and bring some kind of hot food and/or beverage. I would consider this a relatively low risk because it is likely that everyone will already be dressed appropriately and we are only a short walk away from the indoor location if anyone has a problem.
  • Slippery surfaces, this problem can be avoided if all cast and crew pay attention to their surroundings, tread carefully and most importantly wear practical footwear. I would consider this a low risk because the area is much less dangerous for someone to fall in as any paved road or high street pavement. If anyone were to occur any damage by falling, a first aid kit will be on set to treat any wounds as best as possible until professional help is available.
It is possible that an open fire will be included in our film, this presents a problem itself

  • An open fire could burn someone or set something on fire if there was a mistake by any one of crew or cast. I would consider the idea of an open fire moderately dangerous because we will be constructing under safe guidelines in an area that will be either damp with rain or covered in snow so there are small risks of anything catching fire. For someone to be hurt by the fire of such small size, they would have to intentionally put themselves in the way of it which would then make it high unlikely. However, if anyone were to burn themselves somehow, a first aid kit will be ready on set to clean and dress any burns until they can be professionally tended to.
It can be tempting to consume alcohol on set under the false notion that it warms a persons body in the cold, this creates a few problems.

  • Alcohol is highly flammable, to have large amounts of it around an open fire can cause considerable risk to everyone part of the filming and anyone caught in a potential fire spread. To not have alcohol will completely rid this problem.
  • Alcohol can blur a persons judgement, all risks listed here are elevated considerably if someone decides to drink large amounts of it. Again, not having it on set will rid this problem.
  • Alcohol, despite what is commonly believed, lowers a persons overall body temperature. The combination of a lowered temperature and blurred judgement could mean that by the time somebody realises that they feel considerably cold, it can already be dangerous. Not having alcohol will rid this problem.
The second location, the indoor flashback scene being in a normal house and no particularily dangerous things included, means very little danger is there.

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