Tuesday 15 February 2011

Evaluation Methods

Different Approaches (include)

  • Video - Showing different parts that are relevant to the question that we are answering
  • Text - Writing up you answers to your questions (in the style of a report or presentation)
  • Pictures - Showing a poster with little speech bubbles or arrows coming off of the poster

  • Commentary - Little clips of our opening scene with a voice off screen, or even show the opening scene with the voice off screen.
We have chosen to do commentary. This is because some of us in the group do not like being in front of the camera, therefore we found that it would be easier if we were to do a voice off screen while showing different parts of our product. We can also have a script while recording so that we know the right information to say without getting mixed up, as we wont be on the screen we can make the evaluation answers more detailed to make sure that we answer the questions as much as possible.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Representation of status/class of Cranford.

What do mise-en-scene, use of camera, editing and sound say about the 'social class' of characters?
The setting of this scene is in a country forest where there are little children playing who seem rather dirty - this gives the impression that they are not even involved with a class as they appear to be too young to do any work, but if you have to give them one it would be the working class as they are from a really poor background.
We see that there is a little cottage , inside we are positioned in the kitchen which we see that the furniture is really basic, the colours of the scene are really dull/boring and quite dark.
The two woman are having a conversation about an object that they cherish, we notice when watching that they are wearing scruffy maid type clothing which again do not have much colour to them. They also talk about one of the girls that are helping out in the house who is of big build, but we are unsure to whether this girl is related to one of the older woman in the seen or not. 
The dialogue that is spoken is posh and is a diegetic sound as this is the only real sound that we hear throughout the scene. Other words that are heard are bird in the background and a cat - could be telling the audience that this will be shown a bit further in to the clip we watched. 
From all of this, i think we pick up that the two ladies in the scene are working class as they do not have anything that really has any value apart from the lace, and seem to do the domestic type job that are to do with looking after the house, however with the girl we see at the beginning, seems to be some sort of helper.
Throughout the scene a range of shots are used - close up, medium close up, wide shots and long shots which are all used in a way to show us the different parts which are relevant to tell the viewers what is going on and to show the facial expressions of the women about the lace that they look after really well.
We also see subjective and objective camera shots to show when we are involved at certain points in the clip so we get idea from both our own and their point of views. It is all edited to be really smooth so that the whole story flows to keep up with what is going on. If it wasn't done like this they could make the audience rather confused with the storyline. 
We then get introduced to a new character who we barely see as she is being carried in some sort of transport type box by two men, she speaks to the two women who we see running along the country roads again in a posh tone. This is where we pick up the subjective and objective views. it is hard to pick up on any sort of class because we do not get to see her clearly, but from the way she has people carrying her around and telling them what to do, i think we get a sense that she is from the middle class as it is quite apparent that she is higher than the two ladies we see at the start. 

Storyboard of my character

30 Years Old
Who likes making money, Going out and Driving his flash car.
He is handsome, A ladies man and Likes to flirt
Scene One
Jason comes home from a long day at work, he is very pleased with himself because he has just been promoted to the manager in his accounting company.
Scene Two

Scene Three

Scene Four

Scene Five

Scene Six